
Zen & Copy - Email Training for Musicians

Switched focus

Hey Friend,

You're receiving this because a long time ago you signed up for my email list.

Since then, I've changed my focus to my true love: music.

If you're not interested, feel free to unsubscribe now and I'll never bother you again :)

If you are interested, please I've got more info on the focus change here:

Hope you stick around, but if not, good luck on all your endeavors!

-Garrett aka beatMage aka megabyteGhost

Zen & Copy - Email Training for Musicians

Dear Musician (or other artist), would you like to learn to write useful emails your fans enjoy to read? This free newsletter will teach you how to run your own email newsletter, plus other useful tips such as how to write good copy, how to tell stories, and how to find your voice. Sign up below:

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